myZone Help

The Internet can be a complicated place and so please feel free to contact our helpdesk should you need any assistance with any of the "myZone" settings. The helpdesk can be contacted on 086 1234 777 or mailed at

Account Settings

Please add your real name, alternate email address and your mobile number to your account settings. It just makes communicating with you easier. Also remember to include your email address and account number in any communication to us.

Vacation Settings

You can configure your vacation auto-responder to send out an auto-reply email when you are away and unable to answer email. One auto-reply per day per sender will be sent whenever an email is delivered to your mailbox. Auto-replies will not be sent to mail originating from mail lists, and notification services. Where possible the system tries to only respond to personal mail.


Aliases are additional email addresses that you can use for your mailbox. Each mailbox can have up to five aliases. In addition to this you can also ask our helpdesk to add an aliases that you can share with someone else. If you have two mail accounts called mom and dad, you could have an alias greatparents that will deliver any messages to greatparents to both mom and dad. Ask our helpdesk to help you set up any shared aliases.


Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and should contain a mix of UPPERCASE, lowercase and Num5r1c characters. No spaces are allowed.

Mail Filters

Mail filters allow you to flag messages as possible junk mail or spam. The filter will either mark the message as spam or bounce the message back to the sender. If you do not flag the message subject as SPAM the message will be bounced back to the sender and you will never see it. A score threshold between 4, very strict, and 16, very forgiving can be set. We suggest that you start off with a setting of 8, set to mark the message as SPAM in the subject line.

In addition to the above you can also whitelist or blacklist email addresses. If you want to whilelist or blacklist all email from a domain ender the address as * For example, if you want to flag all mail from as SPAM then add * to your blacklist.

Forgot Password

If you have lost your password please call our helpdesk on 086 1234 777 for assitance.